【テストページ】 – カネコ小兵公式オンラインストア

メニュー とじる
もっと見る あなたへのおすすめ



{% comment %}  



{% endcomment %}   ギフトラッピングをご希望の方へ
{% if cart.item_count > 0 %}

{{ 'cart.general.title' | t }}

{% for item in cart.items %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'cart.label.product' | t }} {{ 'cart.label.price' | t }} {{ 'cart.label.quantity' | t }} {{ 'cart.label.total' | t }}
{% unless item.image == blank %} {%- assign img_url = item.image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%} {%- capture wrapper_id -%}CartImageWrapper--{{ item.image.id }}{%- endcapture -%} {%- capture img_id -%}CartImage--{{ item.image.id }}{%- endcapture -%} {% include 'image-style' with image: item.image, width: 720, height: 600, small_style: false, wrapper_id: wrapper_id, img_id: img_id %} {% else %} {{ item.title | escape }} {% endunless %}

{{ item.product.title }} {% unless item.variant.title contains 'Default' %}
{{ item.variant.title }} {% endunless %} {% unless item.selling_plan_allocation == nil %}
{{ item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }} {% endunless %} {% assign property_size = item.properties | size %} {% if property_size > 0 %}
{% for p in item.properties %} {% assign first_character_in_key = p.first | truncate: 1, '' %} {% unless p.last == blank or first_character_in_key == '_' %} {{ p.first }}: {% comment %} Check if there was an uploaded file associated {% endcomment %} {% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %} {{ p.last | split: '/' | last }} {% else %} {{ p.last }} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ 'cart.general.remove' | t }}

{{ item.product.title }} {% unless item.variant.title contains 'Default' %}
{{ item.variant.title }} {% endunless %} {% unless item.selling_plan_allocation == nil %}
{{ item.selling_plan_allocation.selling_plan.name }} {% endunless %} {% assign property_size = item.properties | size %} {% if property_size > 0 %}
{% for p in item.properties %} {% assign first_character_in_key = p.first | truncate: 1, '' %} {% unless p.last == blank or first_character_in_key == '_' %} {{ p.first }}: {% comment %} Check if there was an uploaded file associated {% endcomment %} {% if p.last contains '/uploads/' %} {{ p.last | split: '/' | last }} {% else %} {{ p.last }} {% endif %}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ 'cart.general.remove' | t }}

{%- if item.original_price != item.final_price -%} {{ 'products.product.regular_price' | t }} {{ item.original_price | money }} {{ 'products.product.sale_price' | t }} {{ item.final_price | money }} {%- else -%} {{ item.original_price | money }} {%- endif -%} {% include 'product-unit-price', variant: item, available: item.variant.available %} {%- if item.line_level_discount_allocations != blank -%}
    {%- for discount_allocation in item.line_level_discount_allocations -%}
  • {%- include 'icon-saletag' -%}{{ discount_allocation.discount_application.title }} (-{{ discount_allocation.amount | money }})
  • {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if item.original_line_price != item.final_line_price -%} {{ 'products.product.regular_price' | t }} {{ item.original_line_price | money }} {{ 'products.product.sale_price' | t }} {{ item.final_line_price | money }} {%- else -%} {{ item.original_line_price | money }} {%- endif -%}

{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }} {{ cart.total_price | money }}(税込)

{%- capture taxes_shipping_checkout -%} {%- if cart.taxes_included and shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_and_shipping_policy_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }} {%- elsif cart.taxes_included -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_but_shipping_at_checkout' | t }} {%- elsif shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_policy_at_checkout_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }} {%- else -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_at_checkout' | t }} {%- endif -%} {%- endcapture -%}



{%- if cart.cart_level_discount_applications != blank -%}
{%- for discount_application in cart.cart_level_discount_applications -%} {%- include 'icon-saletag' -%}{{ 'customer.order.discount' | t }}:{{- discount_application.title -}} -{{ discount_application.total_allocated_amount | money }} {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

{{ 'cart.general.subtotal' | t }} {{ cart.total_price | money }}(税込)

{%- capture taxes_shipping_checkout -%} {%- if cart.taxes_included and shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_and_shipping_policy_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }} {%- elsif cart.taxes_included -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_included_but_shipping_at_checkout' | t }} {%- elsif shop.shipping_policy.body != blank -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_policy_at_checkout_html' | t: link: shop.shipping_policy.url }} {%- else -%} {{ 'cart.general.taxes_and_shipping_at_checkout' | t }} {%- endif -%} {%- endcapture -%}



* 送料やお支払方法についての詳細はこちら

* ご注文前に必ずお読みください

{{ 'cart.general.continue_shopping' | t }}

{% else %} {% comment %} The cart is empty {% endcomment %}

{{ 'cart.general.empty' | t }}


{% endif %}